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Lady Scientist Podcast brings you into conversations with scientists. So much of academic research is siloed in tough-to-read academic journals. This podcast strives to introduce you to new voices and to break down barriers to becoming scientists or researchers. We aim to strike a note of positivity in an often-negative world. 

Our goal is to expand knowledge and learning through conversations we share with the world. We want to change how people perceive scientists, what they look like, but also how they think. 

As our podcast community grows, we hope to respond to questions and invite new speakers on specific topics. 



Jocelynn received her PhD in Molecular & Cellular Biology from the University of Washington, and is an alum of UC Berkeley, where she received her bachelors. Her research focuses on developing novel therapeutics in the gene and epigenome editing space and investigating gene regulation in brain disorders. Her work has been published in ten scientific journals including Nature and Science (you can find her on Google Scholar and Pubmed). She lives in Seattle, Washington with her husband, Jeff, and their two dogs, Thomas and Betsy.

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